- What You Need to Know About Data Protection in Business (4 February 2025)
- Co trzeba wiedzieć o ochronie danych osobowych w biznesie? (4 February 2025)
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- Black Friday Strategies with Google Ads (23 October 2024)
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- Mastering Data Management with Server-Side GTM in a Cookie-less Era (9 October 2024)
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- Performance Optimisation in Angular Applications (18 September 2024)
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- Online Marketing in a Need of Consent: Google Consent Mode 2.0 (31 January 2024)
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- Modelling Requirements in Business Analysis (28 August 2023)
- Modelowanie w analizie biznesowej (28 August 2023)
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- Becoming a Kentico Certified Developer or Marketer (10 August 2023)
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- Podstawowy proces testowy wg standardów ISTQB (10 July 2023)
- CMP Step by Step: From Tool Selection to Implementation (21 June 2023)
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- Consent Management Platform: Klucz do efektywnego zarządzania zgodami na cookies (7 June 2023)
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- 5 działań, które pozwolą Ci wykorzystać w pełni narzędzia marketingowe platformy Kentico (24 May 2023)
- UX w fazie Discovery: klucz do sukcesu cyfrowych projektów (10 May 2023)
- UX in the Discovery Phase: Key to Successful Digital Projects (10 May 2023)
- What is Project Discovery and How Does a Business Analyst Contribute? (25 April 2023)
- Project Discovery - czym jest i jaką rolę pełni w nim analityk biznesowy? (25 April 2023)
- Business Analysis: Everything you Need to Know (12 April 2023)
- Analityka biznesowa: wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć (12 April 2023)
- Spotlight on Women of Infinity Group: Their Stories of Growth and Success in the IT Industry (13 March 2023)
- Kobiety Infinity Group: poznaj historie ich rozwoju i sukcesu w IT (13 March 2023)
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- Women who Shaped the Tech Industry: From Pioneers to Leaders (24 February 2023)
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- Discover the Power of Xperience by Kentico (15 February 2023)
- Tworzenie efektywnej strategii: kompleksowy przewodnik (1 February 2023)
- The Ultimate Guide to a Strong Strategy: Key Insights Summarized (1 February 2023)
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- User-Centered SERPs as User Experience in Search Engines (12 October 2022)
- User-Centered SERPs, czyli User Experience w wyszukiwarkach (12 October 2022)
- Web Analytics and the Analytics Culture in an Organisation (14 September 2022)
- Analityka webowa, a kultura analityczna w organizacji (14 September 2022)
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- Dostawcy rozwiązań chmurowych: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud (9 June 2022)
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- Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Networks (11 May 2022)
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- Multikino Mobile App and the New Platform for Domino's Pizza in the E-commerce Berlin Expo Competition (30 September 2021)
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- EsportsLAB – zaawansowana technologia w drodze do e-sportowych sukcesów. (17 May 2021)
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- Kentico Site of The Year Award for our Solution Supporting Dynamic Development of Domino’s Pizza in Poland (27 April 2021)
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