The Impact of Intranet Solutions on Organisational Communication

Internal communication is one of the key determinants of effective employee interaction inside an organisation. The more effective it is, the more beneficial teamwork will be — both within departments and between them. It is of great importance for companies with extensive structures and geographically dispersed branches or teams as well as for smaller organisations, especially with remote work being more accessible than ever.

The intranet applications covered in this article support the development of communication within an organisation. The solution provides easy access to internal information and the tools necessary to perform business tasks. Only those employed by the individual company have option to entry the platform to the extent appropriate. It is worth noting that the intranet can be configured and integrated to suit the needs and structure of the organisation.

What are the benefits of intranet applications? What makes these solutions really improve companies’ internal communication? This article answers those and other questions.

Areas covered by an intranet

Basically, an intranet is a separate network functioning within the company, which primarily serves to collect various types of internal data. Thanks to its numerous options, the solution manages many areas of a company’s operations, making it possible to:

  1. Manage tasks — monitoring the progress of tasks or delegating work to specific employees.
  2. Create a knowledge base — collection of documentation, different kinds of instructions and information on current procedures.
  3. Exchange of communication between employees — communicating on both strictly business issues and less official matters (for example around the organisation of company events).

Due to the regulated access mentioned in the introduction, intranet applications provide a high level of information security. Solution administrators (or of the given spaces within the intranet) can properly grant selected people permission to view and modify the particular content, while restricting it to other employees.

Intranet solutions and internal communication

Internal communication has a direct impact on relationships within teams and, consequently, on the commitment and efficiency of tasks performed. Currently, employees value the direct flow of information, transparency and influence on the direction of the company. Implementing an intranet platform helps to organise internal communication so that it meets the needs of employees, supporting their sense of belonging to the company.

Thanks to the multitude of areas it covers, an appropriately selected intranet becomes a link between the employer and the team. It makes it possible to collect and organise inside information, often including individual employees in the process: all regulations, instructions, standards of conduct, as well as content of a more casual nature — concerning company integrations or any team-building activities. In this way, it standardises communication within the company (irrespective of the extent of the structure), shortens the adaptation process for new employees and builds a culture based on knowledge sharing.  Publishing new content is mostly highly intuitive, which encourages regular updates. In doing so, the flow of information is undisturbed, and the intranet becomes a valuable source of insight about what is currently happening in the company.

In addition, an intranet provides features that enable two-way communication. Due to its social nature, it fosters interaction between employees, including the exchange of feedback. Intranet applications available on the market often provide other communication spaces such as chats, forums, groups. These tools allow posting, commenting, creating surveys and even publishing articles about the company. Using these features translates into greater employee involvement because regardless the position or job title, intranet users have a real say in how the intranet operates and can have a say in matters relevant to the life of the company.

An intranet that supports employee experience — Workai

If you are looking for a tool that will create a common communication space for the entire organisation, but at the same time allow you to separate areas dedicated to smaller units, like teams or departments, explore the possibilities offered by the Workai intranet application. As one of the leading intranet producers, Workai enables a personalised flow of information within your company. By implementing their application, you can:

  • create engaging and formally diverse messages,
  • target content to a selected group of employees,
  • use the communication channels that your audience prefers,
  • customise dashboards according to the needs of app users,
  • tag important messages,
  • exchange feedback with employees.

Thanks to segmentation and the acquisition of knowledge about user behaviour (via a dedicated analytics module), Workai helps to personalise internal communications. Other advantages of the tool include the ability to integrate with M365 and many other communication channels. Additionally, Workai takes around a month to implement — and by working with experts in this area, you can also count on comprehensive training on how to use the application: for both administrators and future users.


The introduction of intranet solutions undoubtedly contributes to the improvement of internal communication. A properly selected intranet provides its users with easy access to the information and tools necessary to perform their business tasks. Moreover, as a dedicated internal network, it improves data security through restricted and controlled access. Above all, however, the value of intranet applications lies in involving employees in the life of the company. Thanks to effortless content management and numerous community features, intranet users can co-create internal spaces, exchange feedback and, in turn, have a real impact on the direction of the organisation.

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