Digital Experience - Infinity Group Blog

Piwik PRO vs Google Analytics 4: Analytics in the Post-Cookie Era

Whether you are managing a small blog or a large online shop, understanding how users are interacting with your site is a key element of success. With web analytics, you can accurately collect, analyse and interpret website traffic data, allowing you to make better business decisions and guide your site’s growth more effectively. However, choosing…


How to Effectively Manage Content in Multiple Languages?

At first glance, running a website in multiple languages may seem like a daunting task, especially without knowing the languages in which the content is to be published. However, there are tools that can significantly simplify the management of multilingual content, making the process more automated and efficient. What are the best practices that make…

The Power of Employer Branding in the Organisation

Employer branding, the process of shaping a company’s image as an attractive place to work, plays a significant role in today’s competitive labour market and is a key employee management strategy for any modern organisation. It encompasses the set of values, beliefs and experiences that an organisation offers to its employees and potential candidates, defining…

Risk Management in an IT Project

As Project Managers on an IT project, we are the gatekeepers of the scope, budget, and schedule. From the project’s beginning to its end, our responsibility is to nip potential issues in the bud. After all, an ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure. We do not delude ourselves into thinking that no…


Business Value of a UX Audit

UX audit is an essential tool used for analysing and evaluating the digital products utility. Not only does it allow understanding of user behaviour, but it also enables the identification of problems and barriers that users may encounter while interacting with a product. Examples of such interactions include, among others, the shopping process in e-commerce,…

IT Systems Integrations — Can they Sink your Project? A Business Perspective

IT systems integrations are part of daily job routine for technical departments but for business representatives, it is usually a completely new experience (and even uncertain ground). The cooperation between these two teams is challenging — on the one hand, the business department is often unable to articulate its needs precisely, which results in bewilderment,…

How does Using React.js Reduce Project Costs?

More and more companies are recognising that implementation of high-quality IT solutions entails more than just financial input — they require time and human resources, too. The need to optimise costs is completely natural, which we are well aware of at Infinity Group. Selecting the right technology supported by an understanding of business needs is…

Dive into the World of JavaScript and React: Workshop Summary

Last Friday, together with Bialystok University of Technology and the Career Development and Alumni Relations Office, we organised a workshop for students titled “Reaguj na jawie, czyli podstawy programowania w JavaScript i wprowadzenie do biblioteki React”. To provide the best possible learning environment and maximise knowledge transfer, we limited the workshop to 10 participants. The event…

(Front)Women in Power

Usually, the first thing that comes to mind at the sound of the word ‘programming’ is an image of a man sitting in front of a computer. However, contrary to the stereotype, IT is an industry where many skilled women — experts in their fields, who have both talent and passion for their job —found…

The Impact of Intranet Solutions on Organisational Communication

Internal communication is one of the key determinants of effective employee interaction inside an organisation. The more effective it is, the more beneficial teamwork will be — both within departments and between them. It is of great importance for companies with extensive structures and geographically dispersed branches or teams as well as for smaller organisations,…

Online Marketing in a Need of Consent: Google Consent Mode 2.0

When we wrote about best practices for CMP implementation in June 2023, Consent Mode was only an option. More than one legal department rejected it due to the multiplying ambiguities regarding the operation of the mode. It is now 2024 and Consent Mode has been updated to version 2.0– what does this mean in practice…

How to Find or Recreate UA Reports in GA4: Behaviour and Conversion Sections

It has been some time since the implementation of GA4. Still, quite a large group of web analytics ‘enthusiasts’ simply cannot get used to the interface of this new tool. You probably are one of them –otherwise you would not be here. Maybe you even did some research and read our previous articles on this…

How to Find or Recreate UA Reports in GA4: Acquisition Section

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re navigating the Google Analytics 4 interface and seeking ways to recreate the reports you’re accustomed to from GA3. In the preceding article of this series, you discovered the answer to the question of whether this is even achievable. You found out that despite the introduction of numerous unfamiliar…

Kentico vs WordPress: Which Platform Is Better for my Business?

The dilemma In today’s digital landscape, the choice of a content management system can be a make-or-break decision for your business. With over 40% of websites powered by WordPress[i] (according to a survey held in 2023 by W3Techs), it is clear that this platform has captured the attention of entrepreneurs and marketers alike. But the…

How to Find or Recreate UA Reports in GA4: Audience Section

Are you using Google Analytics 4 but finding it hard to adjust to the new interface? If you’re among those analysts who are feeling a bit disoriented by the tool’s fresh appearance, you might be wondering whether it’s possible to recreate the familiar reports from GA3 in GA4. Well, the answer isn’t straightforward.  While some…

How to Customise the Reports in Google Analytics 4?

Although it’s been a while since we made the transition to 100% reporting with Google Analytics 4 (GA4), there’s still a lingering nostalgia for the days of Universal Analytics. This sentiment isn’t just about the need to shift our data collection approach; it’s also rooted in our attachment to the familiarity of the old interface….

How to Choose the Best Digital Agency?

When you hear the phrase ‘digital agency,’ what is the first thing that comes to mind? Digital marketing? SEO? Web design? These associations and the terms that accompany them are indeed accurate. As a general rule, digital agencies provide services focused on enhancing a business’s online presence – in other words, boosting the visibility and…

Modelling Requirements in Business Analysis

Business analysis is a multifaceted discipline that is pivotal in the structured software development process. To simplify, we can define analytical activities as encompassing information (requirement) acquisition, development, and management. These requirements are gathered through a variety of techniques involving diverse stakeholders. Consequently, the outcome of the analyst’s efforts materialises in the form of documentation….

Becoming a Kentico Certified Developer or Marketer

The rapid pace of technological development and social changes make digital transformation a necessity. But how to select the right partner and distinguish mediocre digital agencies from top-notch, highly experienced experts? Authors of Kentico – a critically acclaimed digital experience platform – came up with the idea of managing such dilemmas. Their idea of separating…

ISTQB-Compliant Testing Process

In today’s technology-driven world, it is hard to imagine our daily lives without the advancements surrounding us. However, even with its undeniable benefits, technology is not flawless. It has its strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. After all, it often fails us at the most inconvenient times. This raises the question: Could these failures have been prevented?…