Business Solutions

AnyPark Mobile App – Parking Becomes Easier!

AnyPark Mobile App – Parking Becomes Easier!

AnyPark mobile application enables simple and convenient parking without using a parking meter or taking tickets from the entrance terminal. This application also allows you to use a car wash just as easily. AnyPark is free to use but it also has a premium version offering additional functionalities. The application enables paying for parking with…

10 of the most Important Tips in Upgrading your Corporate Sitecore System

10 of the most Important Tips in Upgrading your Corporate Sitecore System

Upgrading is a lengthy and complicated process. It needs to be well thought out, planned, and appropriately scheduled to ensure success. However, benefits from the upgrade are great: achieving optimal performance, increasing and improving security, new features for Marketing and IT, and reducing technical debt in the current solution. If you are preparing for your…

Multikino Mobile App and the New Platform for Domino’s Pizza in the E-commerce Berlin Expo Competition

Multikino Mobile App and the New Platform for Domino’s Pizza in the E-commerce Berlin Expo Competition

Recently, we have completed several spectacular projects in the eCommerce. We decided to submit two of them to the E-Commerce Berlin Expo 2022 competition The first is the Multikino Mobile App in the IT for eCommerce category. The second – a new platform for Domino’s Pizza in the New Development in eCommerce. The E-Commerce Berlin Expo…

Faster, Safer and more Effectively — Kentico Xperience in the Real Estate Industry

Faster, Safer and more Effectively — Kentico Xperience in the Real Estate Industry

Dom Development is the largest and one of the most dynamically growing developers in Poland. The group currently operates in Warsaw, Wroclaw, Tricity and Cracow. Its success is primarily the result of constant care for the client, his satisfaction and sense of security in pursuing the dream of owning an apartment. This priority combined with…

EsportsLAB  – Advanced Technology on the Way to Esports Success

EsportsLAB – Advanced Technology on the Way to Esports Success

EsportsLAB is an unique project that has the potential to revolutionize the world of gaming. Its purpose is to support esports teams as well as individual players in understanding what determines their level of performance in the game. Integration of data gathered from multiple sources and deep multidimensional analysis carried out by the platform enable…

Kentico Site of The Year Award for our Solution Supporting Dynamic Development of Domino’s Pizza in Poland

Kentico Site of The Year Award for our Solution Supporting Dynamic Development of Domino’s Pizza in Poland

Our newly implemented Kentico Xperience-based website of Polish division of Domino’s Pizza has just received Kentico Site of the Year 2020 award in the Commerce category. It also received two honourable mentions in categories Best migration and Best online marketing implementation. We are very happy not only because of the appreciation of our work, but…

API Economy. Why should Business Talk about API?

API Economy. Why should Business Talk about API?

Nowadays, it is impossible to run a business without technology. The company has to “talk” and exchange information with the entire business environment through various systems. Most often it is done through API – a technology that allows you to get to system’s resources and make them available outside in controlled manner. API is a…